shaun fenn // emotionally charged

Shaun’s most recent personal project is moving, literally. His latest motion piece is a storyline with more questions than answers. Consistent with Shaun’s style, this video gives us a glimpse into a life we would love to inhabit.

When we asked Shaun what inspired him, he reflected. “I wanted to challenge myself to create a story with depth in 60 seconds. With the goal of eliciting an emotional response in a short period of time, mixing aspiration with emotion. Eight years ago I did my first short promotional video piece called Soak. The different interpretations I got from people were fascinating. I love that creatively our projects can touch people in so many ways.

Thank you to the awesome team supporting Shaun to bring this piece to life.

@emmitfenn (music) @paigedorianproductions (producer) @en_route_media_inc (DT) @alexeygulenko (AC) @laurencampanile (stylist) @stephvoelckers9 (model) @davidjeromevolz (model) @thehurricane (PA) @benjaminras (location scout)